Clinician Well-Being

Online resources


The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has a list of resources for health care workers, including a self-referral form for mental health care for front-line medical workers. Resources for health care workers during COVID-19

The Ontario government has a list of financial, mental health and other supports that are available during COVID 19. COVID-19: Support for people

The Canadian Medical Association has a Wellness Support Line that offers counselling and access to mental health support to physicians, medical learners and their immediate families located in Ontario as well as Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Yukon. Wellness Support Line for Physicians

The Ontario Medical Association also offers additional services related to mental health. Physician Health Program

The Ontario Nurse’s Association has a list of mental health services that are available for nurses and healthcare professionals. Mental Health Support Services

The National Academy of Medicine offers a clinician well-being collaborative. Clinician Resilience and Well-Being - National Academy of Medicine

The American Medical Association STEPS Forward™ offers toolkits on topics such as burnout & managing the electronic health record. AMA Steps Forward: Transform your Practice